Monday, November 12, 2007

Forced to post!

It seems that technology has forced me to post, rather than just reading what the rest of you are saying. I was looking forward to reading what all of you have been doing without revealing that now that I am retired I pretty much play all day. I already had Blogger and Google accounts because I started a blog or two.When I logged in to the FM Blog, I appeared as "Sharon In the Kitchen" even though I would rather have been Sharon Nottingham for this. So now I am embarrassed that you can all see that although half a century has passed since high school, I still begin lots of things and then lose interest and move on to something else.

I started a blog for vegan recipes after we adopted a vegan diet a few years ago. Then I started a book review blog for the reviews I was writing for the Liverpool Public Library. Then I started a travel blog for the trip we will be taking in January. And then I stopped blogging until now.

Of course I remember you John Winter. If I had met you last week, who knows? But I remember you from fifth grade. Were you also in Miss Stack's class?

I was back in Manlius last week for a happy family event. My sister, my mother and Jerry's children and grandchildren still live in the F-M area so I visit a few times a year. There were still beautiful red, yellow and orange leaves on the trees, but no one had their heat turned on! It was colder inside the house than outdoors. Of course, if I still lived there, I would not have the heat turned on either.

This was easy to do, so I hope the rest of you will try it and tell us what you are doing.

Thank you Kerry for starting this blog.


Chuck Gough said...

Hi Sharon,
Does your post mean, that "The perpetual scatterbrain" comment in the yearbook is still accurate? I also see that Florida has made you forget, that those of us who are still Northerners, consider anything above 50 as shorts weather! I too am now retired, and spend most days caring for the youngest of our eight grandchildren, and now that business concerns are gone, I find myself watching my children and grandchildren, and thinking back to my youth in Fayetteville. Life is good! Thanks for sharing some of yours.
Chuck Gough
Somerset, Pa

jackie said...

hi sharon, thought you were still in eagle view. guess not.

Sharon said...

Chuck, I forgot that is what the yearbook said! It apparently is still accurate and seems to work quite well for me. The temperature is 54 this morning so I have on a turtleneck - it doesn't take long to change attitudes about what is cold weather. You are lucky to be geographically close to your grandchildren. I have two who live in a Philadelphia suburb and I see them only a few times a year. Life is indeed good.

Jackie - hello. We moved nearly 5 years ago from Eagle View to Delray Beach. I think of you every time I vote. No one knows me here, of course.