Saturday, May 31, 2008

Discovery and contrail visible from Daytona Beach

Discovery takes off from Cape Kennedy late this afternoon as viewed from my front yard. It contains a Japanese Lab and a special toilet pump for outer space.

Post comments

Just a reminder or for your information, as you read through the posts you may scroll to the bottom right and click on "comments" to add your reply to the post. Enjoy your summer weekend! KR

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Long time, lots of SEA

I just heard from Dick Mills who retired three years ago. Since then, he and his wife Libby have been living on their sail boat and enjoying life as he travels the high seas. He also says he would have a very hard time returning to living on land. Sounds to me as if he is having a great time!

Monday, May 26, 2008

The oldies...

Try this to take you back a few years,

"1962 Oak Leaves Staff Chosen"

The following is a reprint from "The Hornet's Nest" Vol. VII, No. 6, April 28, 1961... sit back relax and see if you remember!!!
After much deliberation, a committee composed of teachers and the editors of the "1961 Oak Leaves" has chosen the members of the "1962 Oak leaves" staff.

The new editors are: Co-Editors, Cynthia MacMackin and Suzanne Smith; Copy Editor, Beverly Kanda; Senior Section Editor, James Wells; Art Co-Editors, Connie Milan and Lynn Magalhaes; Activities Editor, Roberta Brucken; Homerooms Editor, Sue Gilman; Faulty Editor, Leigh Merrill; Girl's Sports Editor, Nancy Prentice; Boy's Sports Editor, Kent Tippy; Music Editor, Marcia Fardig; Business Manager, Henry Revercomb; Patron Co-Managers, Bonnie Naylor and John Voss; Typists, Doris Van Valkenburg, Sheelah Perry, and Kathy Goold.

Mrs. Waaser, the yearbook advisor, extends her congratulations to the new staff members and plans to meet with them very soon to begin work on next year's book.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Happy Memorial Day Weekend to everyone

I hope everyone has a safe and relaxing Memorial Day Weekend. Please take a few minutes to remember those friends we have lost.

Saturday, May 10, 2008


Kerry, I really haven't tried the blog yet, so I'll just write you something to start.

Lynda (Rumsey) and I, Steve Muench, have been happily married now for almost 42 years..can you believe the amount of time that's gone by. Whoops, four kids and 10 grandchildren, who would have thought. We live in Fort Myers, FL where we play golf and boat most days. We have room for company anytime, even if passing through.

Lyn and I, along with my brother, Jerry and his wife June (Rumsey), are going to attend Lyn's 45th highschool reunion the first weekend in August. I think that's the week of summer in Syracuse, right? Maybe I can look up some classmates during that time. After 21 years in the Air Force flying fighters, it's about time we went HOME for a visit.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Springtime in Fayetteville

Views of my back yard in Fayetteville.