Sunday, December 14, 2008

from Steve and Lynda Muench

Hello Kerry, It's been so cold in Florida that Lyn and I are going to Australia in January. We've signed up for a 14 day cruise from Sydney to Auckland, New Zealand. Lyn's looking forward to the trip; me, you can have the one way plane trip of 32 hours.
We'll have all of our kids(4) and grandchildren (10) here for Christmas. Two of them live locally to help share the noise.
Are we ever going to have another class reunion? I went to Lyn's 45th high school reunion last summer in June. We were there for 3 days and it rained for 2 1/2 of them. Just as I remember Syracuse weather.
Have a Merry Christmas. Steve Muench

With us having so much time before our 2012 reunion Steve, we will have the local committee request three days of sunshine so we can all enjoy returning to central New York. KR

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