The following is a reprint from "The Hornet's Nest" Vol. VII, No. 6, April 28, 1961... sit back relax and see if you remember!!!
After much deliberation, a committee composed of teachers and the editors of the "1961 Oak Leaves" has chosen the members of the "1962 Oak leaves" staff.
The new editors are: Co-Editors, Cynthia MacMackin and Suzanne Smith; Copy Editor, Beverly Kanda; Senior Section Editor, James Wells; Art Co-Editors, Connie Milan and Lynn Magalhaes; Activities Editor, Roberta Brucken; Homerooms Editor, Sue Gilman; Faulty Editor, Leigh Merrill; Girl's Sports Editor, Nancy Prentice; Boy's Sports Editor, Kent Tippy; Music Editor, Marcia Fardig; Business Manager, Henry Revercomb; Patron Co-Managers, Bonnie Naylor and John Voss; Typists, Doris Van Valkenburg, Sheelah Perry, and Kathy Goold.
Mrs. Waaser, the yearbook advisor, extends her congratulations to the new staff members and plans to meet with them very soon to begin work on next year's book.